Tunnug 1: Excavating a Royal Scythian Tomb in Siberia

Vortrag auf Einladung der ÖGUF von Gino Caspari (University of Sydney/Universität Bern)

The royal burial mound Tunnug 1 located in the Tuva Republic has begun to reveal insights into highly stratified societies of the prehistoric Eurasian steppes. The site, characterized by its wellpreserved wood architecture reminiscent of the famed Arzhan 1 site, dates back to the 9th century BCE. With a central mound of over 100m in diameter and an extensive multi-period periphery, Tunnug 1 provides an invaluable source of data to explore the transition between the Bronze Age and the Iron Age in the eastern steppes. The excavation of this monument from 2017 onwards has not only shed light on the socio-economic and cultural practices during the Early Iron Age but has also led to the unearthing of a wide array of artifacts and structures spanning from the Bronze Age to the Turkic period. These findings include not just architectural elements, but a variety of items such as ceramics, weaponry, jewelry, and items of personal adornment, offering a view into the material culture of the peoples who inhabited this region over the course of 2500 years. This presentation aims to introduce the Tunnug 1 project and its significance in the broader context of Eurasian archaeology. Furthermore, it will highlight the latest, yet unpublished discoveries from the site, showcasing the potential of Tunnug 1 to change our understanding of this crucial period in Eurasian prehistory.

Meeting-ID: 681 3511 6471 – Kenncode: 764099 


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Franz-Klein-Gasse 1
1190 Wien

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