Riding a dead horse? New archaeological and geochemical studies on La Hoguette pottery

Michaela Schauer (VIAS – FWF ESPRIT PI)

Der AK Neolithikum/Bronzezeit lädt herzlich zum Vortrag von Michaela Schauer ein: Riding a dead horse? New archaeological and geochemical studies on La Hoguette pottery

Since its definition in the late 1980s, the incised, pointed-based and often bone-tempered La Hoguette pottery has been central to discussions of the emergence of Early Western Pottery. This unique type of pottery emerged around 5,500 BC on the western edge of the earliest Linearbandkeramik (LBK). However, the nature of La Hoguette remains uncertain: it could be a culture, a phenomenon, or simply a special type of LBK pottery. Despite extensive efforts to solidify the definition of La Hoguette as a distinct culture, there has been a lack of comprehensive comparison between La Hoguette pottery and the LBK pottery tradition, despite most La Hoguette finds being made in LBK settlements. Recent archaeological and geochemical studies using portable X-ray fluorescence (p-XRF) now address this research gap. This presentation will discuss what it would mean for our understanding and interpretation of the Early Western Neolithic if La Hoguette and LBK pottery were not as different as previously thought.

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