Vortrag auf Einladung des AK Paläolithikum:
In collective memory, the Carnic Crest is primarily remembered as part of the contested front line between Austrian-Hungarian Empire and the Kingdom of Italy during the First World War. However, archaeological finds prove that the region has a much longer and less bloody history. Since 2021, archaeologists from the Archäologische Forschungsnetzwerk Innsbruck (AFIN) and the Natural History Museum Vienna have been jointly researching the prehistoric use of the area between Sillian and Untertilliach. Surprising results have come to light: the oldest archaeological sites date back to around 7,000 BC and therefore suggest that the region was used by Mesolithic hunter-gatherer communities. First results show their affiliation to the Sauveterriano techno-complex of Northern Italy. But also finds and structures dating to the Neolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age, as well as Medieval and Early Modern times show the continued usage of the alpine highlands of the Carnic Crest, as hunting grounds, pastures as well as zones of transit and supra regional contact.
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