Archaeology of domestic life in Polynesia’s first Catholic kingdom: Mangareva Islands, French Polynesia 1830-1900

James L. Flexner (Sydney)

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In 1834, French Catholic priests and lay brothers from the order of Sacrés
Cœurs de Jésus et Marie arrived in the Mangareva islands, a remote
archipelago located about 1600km southeast of Tahiti, to establish the first
permanent mission in the region, small stone cottages to replace the traditional
buildings of wood and thatch. This talk focuses on the results of excavations
carried out in 2023-2024 that documented many of the remaining buildings
including schools, churches, a cathedral, ‘are po‘atu and other structures. In
addition to recording building techniques, which used materials and methods
imported from Europe but adapted to the local environment, the excavations
recovered a sample of material culture that reflect the increasingly globalised
economy of Polynesia over the course of the 19th and 20th centuries.

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