Vortrag öguf-Digital Mark Knight: "The Must Farm pile-dwelling settlement: landscape, architecture and occupation 850 BC"

Vortrag öguf-Digital auf Einladung des AK Neolithikum/Bronzezeit von Mark Knight (University of Cambridge) "The Must Farm pile-dwelling settlement: landscape, architecture and occupation 850 BC“

The Must Farm pile-dwelling settlement was built, occupied and destroyed by fire in relatively quick succession. A slow-flowing watercourse situated beneath the settlement provided a benign burial environment for the debris of construction, use and collapse, whilst the untimely manner of its destruction provided a conclusive timeframe. The abandonment of the settlement seems to have been unplanned and as a consequence the contents of the house floors, the living context, made it into the archaeological record more or less wholesale and with minimal modification other than the effects of the fire. In this instance it seems we have unearthed ‘the full range and proportions of objects in circulation at any one time in the past systemic context’.
The settlement’s location, a small river in fen embayment (Flag Fen Basin), divorced it from dryland at a time when the local environment was becoming increasingly saturated and the ‘surface available for settlement’ was at premium. This presentation will describe the context and circumstance of a short-lived, amply provisioned, Late Bronze Age domestic setting in a wetland landscape. Key to this description is an understanding of the site’s social ecology through an interpretation of the rich and varied material assemblage, and its interrelationship with regional aquatic and terrestrial resources.


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ÖGUF / AK Neolithikum/Bronzezeit
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