„Of stones and bones – looking for hominin behaviour during the Early and Middle Pleistocene in the Turkana desert (Kenya)”

Marjolein D. Bosch (Austrian Archaeological Institute - Prehistory, Austrian Academy of Sciences; Turkana Basin Institute, Nairobi, Kenya)

Vortrag auf Einladung des AK Paläolithikum

The Early to Middle Pleistocene Transition (EMPT; 1250-750 thousand years ago) is a period characterised by major environmental changes. These changes are reflected in the archaeological and faunal records which are marked by behavioural, cognitive (Acheulean specialisation/expansion) and morphological (encephalisation) innovations within the genus Homo. Unfortunately, the EMPT African hominin fossil record is scarce and poorly correlated with the archaeological record. Here we present faunal and chronometric data of a newly discovered EMPT site in West Turkana: Kanyimangin. The talk will focus on fauna, esp. the elephants, and how they help us to build a chronology of the site.

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